Friday, July 4, 2008

How to make the Law of Attraction more effective

Using Gratitude When Organizing

Witnessing an amazing scene this morning, I felt so much gratitude to an amazing start to the day. Grabbing my early morning coffee, taking a sip and looking out the window I experienced the amazing world of robins forging for food. The scene was quite exciting with chirping, running, pecking and shadows from the trees and sun streaming.

How often do we really stop to enjoy the moment? In our fast paced world it is easy to miss the joy of the moment and feel gratitude for the simple things, especially when things go wrong.

Now when I want to be in a state of gratitude I grab a coffee and join the robins and enjoy the serenity of the moment.

It is so important to be in a state of gratitude, enjoying each moment as much as possible so that the Law of Attraction can bring more things into our lives that we can be grateful for.

List of 10 things to be grateful for that can inspire the organizing process

-Having the items to organize in the first place
-For the time, people, products and services that can help
-Organizing itself will provide peace of mind
-The moment to enjoy the beautiful things in your life
-Items that you will “give” to make someone’s life richer
-Organizing makes room for new items to enrich your life
-Forgiveness to yourself for doing the best job you can
-Freedom to items that add value to your life, not deter
-Cause and effect universe,giving and receiving possible
-Life changing event from unorganized to organize

Being in a state of gratitude connects us with the universe to become who we want to be, and give our attention to, attracting the Law of Attraction.

Having a grateful mind when organizing, focuses on what we want, putting out higher powerful positive energy and seeing our goal as already accomplished.

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