Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Taking Time For Sunsets

Ever take for granted what is before our eyes?

Hearing my son describe the amazing sunset yesterday, made me think how many of us, actually appreciate this amazing event.

In our fast praced world, there never seems to be enough time to just relax and enjoy the stuff that really matters.

Sunsets are one of those amazing moments in life, that occur reguarly, yet are often overlooked in our world of mortgage payments, appointments, jobs, family responsibilities, ecomomy (wow) no wonder we are a stressed out society.

While these responsibilities are important, taking time for ourselves is equally important and enjoy what nature has to offer, for free, for a few minutes.

I suggest that each of us take the time to slow down and appreciate the memorizing beauty of the changing colors and the calmness left after the sun sets.
Just watch an excited tourist capturing perfection, excitement of the children, parents laughing,couples holding hands all sharing in the magic long after the sun sets.

Sunsets like clockwork, occur daily and can be found wherever you are in the world.
When life seems overwhelming and you see the sunset take time to ground yourself with what really matters in our world. You will feel better for it.

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